Separation of church and state is a political and legal doctrine that government and religious institutions are to be kept separate and independent from each other. The term most often refers to the combination of two principles: secularity of government and freedom of religious exercise.
I am committed to the Lord Jesus Christ and believe that Christian Counseling is in vain unless it is founded upon and directed by the Word of God. Christian Counseling is my ministry. With over 50 years of life experiences, education, and the teaching of the Word, I can bring hope and encouragement to those who are hurting. God created us unique and wonderful as a whole. It is important that physically, emotionally and spiritually, we are in balance. If even one area is out of balance, our whole life is affected and out of balance.
I am a Board Certified Clinical Supervisor; Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor Advanced Certification and a Licensed Clinical Christian Counselor through the National Christian Counselors Association; Board Certified in Child and Adolescent Therapy; Board Certified in Substance Abuse and Addiction Therapy; and a Licensed Minister. Degrees are Doctor of Christian Psychology, Doctor of Theology, Doctor of Ministry.

Counsel Based Upon the Word of God
Since I strongly believe in offering counsel based upon God’s Word, I am not Ohio State Licensed. First and foremost I am a minister and not controlled by rigid State guidelines. Unlike other counselors I do not offer my personal opinion, I offer advice based upon the Word of God.
If your Christian counselor is State Licensed it means the State controls what they can and cannot advise. Most other local Christian counselors are State Licensed. This severely limits their ability to offer advice based upon the Biblical principles we hold so dearly. As Christians, God advises we seek Christian Counsel and we need to beware of secular counsel feeding and directing into our lives.
I have the ability to offer advice based upon God’s word and the of the Bible instead of the words the State deems worthy. This is how I differ from almost all other Christian counselors. I think you will agree my credentials speak for themselves. This is not about me, it’s about you and the counsel you seek.
My Mission
I am a Christian Counselor who is committed to providing quality, life-changing counsel and teaching with the help of the Holy Spirit, and by the life principles contained in the scriptures so my clients can learn who they are and grow in character and grace of Christ and pursue God’s purpose in their lives. Christian psychology is based on scientific and historical information which is biblically sound, to establish a concise understanding of man and his behavior.
Grace Counseling, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation. Any donation is greatly appreciated and tax deductible.